I'm knitting a whole lot lately, but feel like I don't have too much to show for it. I'm not really sure why... maybe it's because I've been sample knitting? Sample knitting is fun and has been a great way to try out new things-- patterns, yarns, techniques-- that I otherwise wouldn't have even looked twice at, but it does mean that my hard work goes out the door. Seeing as I live in a fairly small apartment, and already have too many sweaters and hand knits, that is probably a good thing, but still leaves me feeling like I have nothing to show for my work. And, you know, if I remembered to take pictures of the things before I gave them to the store, or whoever else they should be going to, I'd probably not really feel that way.
In other news, I finally finished my Fireside! It's beautiful, and I've been wearing it once a week since I seamed it. It does still need buttons, but I kind of like it open. It's probably the warmest thing that I've ever made, which is good for me.